I want to register on the site to have my profile and be able to comment.
To register: https://www.blacketalon.com/profile/register/
To login: https://www.blacketalon.com/profile/login
My comments are not showing, why?
To avoid racist and offensive remarks, ALL comments are validated by hand. I am not a machine, messages can sometimes take up to 48 hours to be validated. Don’t forget that all dating, skype, whatsapp and phone number announcement messages are not validated as well as avatars with cocks on them.
A video belongs to me on the site and I want to delete it, how to do?
You must complete the form: https://www.blacketalon.com/dmca/
I don’t see my video published on your blog yet, why?
The videos are published between 48h and 1 week. Don’t forget to take a good look at the rules below before uploading your videos . If you are sure you have sent a very good video and it is not published after a week, write to me giving me as much info as possible webmaster@beurettesvideo.com
I can’t connect to the site I have an error “error in jquery.ajax while submitting a form bad gateway”
You have probably changed your password or email, so you must clear your cookies and restart your browser to be able to log in again on the site!
I am registered as a VIP but I did not receive the code in my mailbox, what should I do?
I do not manage any subscription, everything is managed by the Mobiyo company (Allopass) directly.
To recover your pass, you must contact them via their form here:
https://www.mobiyo.com/fr/contactez-nous/formulaire-de-contact-acteur / (form at the bottom of the page)
They respond quickly and less 24h.
Explain the problem well, give your email, the site blacketalon.com and the date of your registration to get a quick response.
I’m a VIP, how do I unsubscribe?
To unsubscribe, nothing could be simpler, it’s here: https://payment.allopass.com/subscription/unsubscribe.apu?lang=fr